Borislav Dostumski

Microservices with Istio and IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

In this course, I learned about the twelve-factor app methodology, microservices, and Istio foundational technologies to connect, manage, and secure those microservices. I learned how to put all ...

Docker Essentials A Developer Introduction

In this course, I learned how to use containers for my applications. I started with the basics: creating and running Docker containers, understand the layering and union file system, using best pr...

Learn Spring

Learn Spring Module 1 – Getting Started With Spring 5 Module 2 – Dependency Injection and the Spring Context Module 3 – Project Configuration Module 4 – Deep Dive Into Spring Boot 2 Mo...

Learn Spring Data JPA

Learn Spring Data JPA Module 1 - Getting Started with Spring Data JPA Module 2 - Spring Data Repositories Module 3 - Spring Data Custom Queries with JPQL and native SQL Module 4 - Pagina...


Terminal, Bash & VIM Essentials Terminal and Shell Vim Git and Github Essentials What is Git Setup Git Git commits Git branches Git push Git rebase Git merge GitHu...

Full Stack Spring Boot & React (PROFESSIONAL)

Build and Automate Deployment using Spring Boot | React | Maven | Docker | AWS, and CICD with GitHub Actions Spring Boot Backend API Front end with React.js Hooks and Functions Components ...

Microservices and Distributed Systems

Building and Deploying Microservices from scratch Bootstrap With Maven Create Microservices Microservice Communication via HTTP Service Discovery with Eureka Open Feign Distributed T...